India Bazaar’s brand new grocery store is now open at the intersection of Eldorado and Independence Pkwy. This store is located inside India Plaza at 14339 Eldorado Pkwy. Frisco, Tx-75035, India Bazaar’s brand new store is surrounded by a family-friendly residential neighborhood of North Frisco, TX. With the close proximity to the Eldorado, this location is within the reach of many surrounding areas and communities. With a modern floor plan and a huge produce section, this store is the ultimate go-to place for the entire Frisco & Eldorado community. Not to forget this store is located just a block away from the Hanuman Karya Sidhi Temple!
India Bazaar Eldorado is located inside India Plaza, a shopping square that will be Rajula’s Kitchen, Swagath Biryani, Farm2Cook Meat Market, and many other brands outlets in it. This is a one-stop spot for all your grocery needs.
For address and hours for this location or another India Bazaar location please visit www.IndiaBazaarDFW.com/contact-us