Restaurant Discount Application

India Bazaar offers a 3% discount card to restaurants and other food businesses effective Mar 03, 2025. To apply for this card please submit the following form, please note submitting inaccurate/false information in this form may lead to the rejection of your application.
Applicant's Full Name:
Business Name (DBA):
Legal Entity Name:
EIN / Tax ID Number
Rewards Card Ph#
Business Phone #
Registered Business Address
Street Address:
Zip Code:
Preferred India Bazaar Location For Pickup


  1. Restaurant Discount allows a food industry business such as but not limited to restaurants, canteens, cafes, places of worship, etc. avail 3% discount on his qualifying shopping at India Bazaar.
  2. Restaurant discount cards can only be used with purchases worth $100 or more. The qualification amount must be met in a single transaction and not by combining multiple transactions.
  3. All applicants must submit an online application provided at If the application is submitted successfully, the applicant will receive an automated instant notification by email.
  4. The application must be for a restaurant or a bulk buyer representing a legit food-related business such as canteen, tiffin services, or religious places such as temples/gurudwaras/mosques.
  5. The applicant must have a history of spending a minimum of $500/month at India bazaar stores.
  6. Restaurant discount cards cannot be combined/used with rewards cards or other discount cards.
  7. India Bazaar will not be liable to replace a lost/ stolen card. If a card is lost or stolen, please notify your preferred India Bazaar store as soon as possible. A $10 re-issuance fee will be applicable to receive a new card.

© 2025, All rights reserved by India Bazaar. India Bazaar reserves the right to change the amount and terms for this policy without giving prior notice to anyone. We also reserve the right to revoke a card or this policy without giving prior notice to anyone.

What is your business's average monthly spending at India Bazaar?
Please endorse your full name here to acknowledge that you have read the t&c stated in this form and agree to them.
Signature is required.
reCAPTCHA is required.

For questions and concerns please email