Maggi is Safe

Is Maggi Safe?

This question has been the most asked and awaits an honest answer long enough. India Bazaar as people’s store went out of the way make sure we give the best quality to India Bazaar shoppers! After hearing so much about Maggi in media, our team right away engaged in process to find out if the Maggi on India Bazaar shelf is safe for humans to eat. Post a comprehensive search and an extensive test carried out by Michelson Laboratories in Commerce California on Maggi products we carry , we now officially know Maggi Is Safe!

Below is a report that we revived after testing all 3 sizes of maggi.

Report Highlights

Page 1 shows how many micro gram lead is in maggie per serving (75g has 1.79mg lead)

Page 3 shows its ok to have up to 15mg per serving for human oral consumption

Therefore India Bazaar Maggie is SAFE to eat….however any amount of lead is not recommended for infant, children, and  pregnant women.
Now you can peacefully enjoy the 2 minute Maggi!!!!
Disclaimer: India Bazaar wishes to produce the honest factual information to all its shoppers in an effort to help consumers make the best decision about consumption. India Bazaar proudly calls itself  “The Peoples’ Store” hence we think its our duty to help its community to know whats good and bad for them through certified and tested information. In all this, the organization neither intends to sell more of a product nor impact on shoppers’ decisions.

Lab report




































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